Thursday, December 06, 2012

Wellness - Busyness of December

Wellness - Busyness of December

As I have become more healthier, of course more gets added to my schedule. I have been walking the fine line of total recuperation, things which need doing and making sure I rest sufficiently. Balance has become a daily activity. If I have a class at night, then I ensure I rest during the day. Usually after I come in from my walk. That means that most of the office details, clients etc are seen in the morning. My friend Jeanne and I usually walk at 1.30 in the afternoon right now that it is fall. During the summer it is usually 10.00am, or 7.00pm due to the heat of the day. But now it is usually 1.30.  Today it will be 11.30, due to my schedule having a late minute change to it.
Time is an interesting thing, sometimes it stretches out and you have lots of it, and I have learned to take a book with me in case I'm early, or at least I always (usually) have my IPhone, and I can play a game on that. But flexibility and awareness of what my body needs is coming to me more and more. (Remember I have a strong will that used to just power through - no more can I do that.)
I think when you have had a sick for a while and you begin to get better you become fearful you will do something to set you back. I know I do. I do not want to recreate having absolutely no energy and hurting 24/7. I know as I began to get back on my feet I would have a new adventure (situation) come up and I would be concerned, would it be too much, could I handle it etc. And was pleasantly surprised when I could or did. Sometimes I would find it would be too much and I would adjust my thinking, but on the whole day by day I have become stronger, happier and healthier.
This brings me back balancing my catch up work, regular work, clients and workshops.
I have come to realize how much I love doing what I do. I enjoy my clients, I enjoy my workshops.I am becoming more bored with TV ( a very good thing) and although my soccer watching is still on high alert for my Liverpool team, I watch less of the other teams. My energy, and therefore how I'm approaching life is changing, slowly but surely.  Where will it lead? Who knows, a life style change, maybe, but at least I will become more productive in an 'easy' way.
During my Feldenchrist session the other day, working with my therapist Lynn, we found my body was comfortable with 'tight' and 'flow' but not comfortable with 'transition'. Moving from one to the other.  As I have worked with a 'tight' back for many, many years and bending and other flexible things have been difficult, we were working on the opposite, which I determined was flow.  Having a lovely lunch at a local pub after my session I was contemplating transition - what did that mean to me? I asked the waiter for a pen (somehow my purse did not have one) and did a 'word chain' on the word and sure enough, it was not flowing at all. Therefore, changed it so ensure that transition meant ease, joy, love. Last night I had much more energy. (By the way, the exercise of word chains is now on YouTube/Norma Cowie.
We all know transition is what the earth is involved in. I have been listening to Greg Braden's tape series of his book "Deep Truth" and he says every 5,100. years the earth goes through great changes. We are in that time now. That the first recorded time was via earthquakes and volcanoes, the second was the beginning of the ice age, the third was the end of the ice age and now.....what?  No matter what, it is a transition time. People talk about the uncertainty facing us in the world, which also reflects into our daily lives. If you are not aware of the collective consciousness and can stay above it, you can be dragged in. 
I do watch the collective consciousness, and yet, my body resists the transition from 'tight' to 'flow'. Interesting, comes from my childhood (what doesn't) and here I am going towards 70 (18 mths away) and I'm still unraveling myself. Luckily I have done a lot of other emotional releasing work, and now I have to address my body. Mind you it did not give me much choice. I had to get to the bottom of what was going on.
Now, here we are facing December and all its business, Christmas period and then New Years. After many requests from friends I'm hosting a pot luck supper Sunday night. I put up an abbreviated Christmas decorations and I will do the basics, but is it too much, as I have a heavy week the following week - busy three nights in a row and then fly to Vancouver to spend the weekend celebrating my daughter's birthday plus family Christmas. And once more I will confront the event with delight (I like nothing more than my house filled with happy people). And if I need to 'rest' I have Monday!!!
My suggestion is take a look at your life. Is there anything you need to balance, anything you need to give up. Remember, if you are over responsible in one area, you will be under responsible in another. Those need to be balanced out.
No matter what, have fun....enjoy....let the happiness run in your veins, its what keeps you health.
Lots of love

Norma Cowie 250 490 0654 Email: