Thursday, May 29, 2008

Past Life Regressionist, conscious mind, subconscious mind.

Last weekend I held the 2nd 'Become a Past Life Regressionist' weekend and must say everyone seemed to have a great experience. Most went back into past lives and resolved their own issues while at the same time learning the technique and returned home ready to begin practicing with family and friends. It may be one course, besides my intensive (six month course beginning in October) I will keep teaching, as there seems to be a need for people to learn an effective, easy method of transforming blocks using past lives. Several people wanted to come but were unable to come on the dates I had, so remember if you are interested let me know or keep an eye on my schedule on the web.
Its often interesting how you come to learn or see some things. Last night at the drop in meditation group, we used medicine cards and as we were only a small group we each picked three cards and made our own stories up around them before going into meditation. I had three like everyone else, as when I was in meditation realized all three had fear of the outside. This set me back a step I can tell you. I have noticed (you will have too if you read about my story of going through the snow storms) that I've been more fearful regarding my body than previously. A friend pointed out to me when I was discussing it with her before, that even though I had a spinal and therefore could not feel when I received my last knee surgery, that my body did. And Monday I go for my other knee surgery. After the meditation I made an appointment with myself to work on releasing the body fear, so trustingly when I go in on Monday I will be absolutely fearless and my body in alignment with what is going to happen to it. I thought I was there with it before, but guess I missed something. If you are reading this before Monday June 2nd, please send thoughts of ease and speedy recovery.
I was also reminded of something in a session today. I have often used the example of driving a bus when talking about the conscious being in command of the subconscious. Today when I was reading for a client I found the analogy of driving the bus was not working. This was a person who was too driven, not enough ease. All of a sudden I saw it, the consious mind steers, while the subconsious drives. How come it took all these years to realize my analogy was not the best. Perhaps because I have never had a person who argued with me before and I had to 'work' to find the 'right' words to explain what I was meaning. Therefore from now on the conscious mind steers while the subconscious drives. The subconscious is synomous with the engine of the bus, not the steering of the bus - that is the consciousnesses job.
As you can see I've been busy, figuring and getting ready to go and be laid up for minumum of 2 weeks. Plus I'm speaking on Sunday, and need to get that sorted in my head too!
Have a great day! Life is good! 24 degress here today, it was a short & t shirt day -- yesterday I mowed the lawn - exhausted afterwards, but do you know how many years its been since I have been able to do physical things like that - lots! I was excited.

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