Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Is Love Painful, destructive and doesn't work?

The last few days I have had the same idea/concept come up with several of the clearings I have done. This has come up in particular with the Akashic Record clearings I have done. This is that love is painful, love is destructive, love doesn't work etc. This is not a new concept. Just listen to the songs over the years about how love went wrong etc. I have had this idea come up over and over for clients when clearing programing/blocks.
One of the first things I do is remind the client that love did not create the pain. It was our (because I think we all go through this at some time or another) belief that love would produce a different result. Just last night I had to remind a client that she was aware of signs which she chose to ignore which resulted in her loss and her desire for revenge. She agreed. It seems we just don't want to accept that we are responsible, not LOVE.
Love to me, is acceptance and forgiveness. I learned this years ago from the Empress of the Tarot. This is what she told me when I was meditating and working to understand the symbology. Today, people are amazed that I'm friendly with my ex-husbands and yet to me it is a natural result. I loved these men. They were and still are important to me. Just because our relationship did not work over time, does not mean I do not honor the essence of who they are. For it was that essence I fell in love with.
If we chose to live with forgiveness, then we forgive. And again, I remind people often, that the most important aspect of forgiveness is to FORGIVE SELF. We need to forgive ourselves often. If we love ourselves, we will forgive easily. If we don't love ourselves sufficiently then we will find this harder.
I believe it is a spiritual question. When you connect with the source of being you feel the love this source has for you and you recognize you are already forgiven (in other words there is no need to forgive as there is only acceptance of you). Knowing this, how can we not forgive ourselves and then others.
When we forgive ourselves for our part of whatever situation has gone on then it is easier to forgive the other party. When we blame, condemn and want vengeance for what we perceive as a wrong doing, then we only restrict ourselves. We most certainly are not coming from LOVE. We are coming from everything but.
When my clients begin to separate themselves from the feeling of LOVE and the result of actions by others they begin to see the belief in blaming love is not the answer or the way at all. Then it is easy for me to release and clear the blockages in their lives, because they are ready to let go.
Take a look at your life and separate anything in which you blame LOVE whether it is loving too much, which will often result in giving our power away, or feeling not loved enough by another, which is their issue not yours, the feeling of rejection is yours. The feeling of rejection you need to accept and take a look at what is behind that (feeling not connect to the source?).
LOVE - acceptance and forgiveness. Feeling the warmth of acceptance, the peace of knowing that LOVE exists and being able to forgive all.
Norma Cowie
250 490 0654
Email: norma@normacowie.com
Remember the other blog:  http://www.moviereviewswithnormacowie.blogspot.com


Anonymous said...

Norma I read this every other day and have emailed it to a few friends.. Each time I read it get more out of it.. Love it!!

Anonymous said...

Norma I read this every other day and have emailed it to a few friends.. Each time I read it get more out of it.. Love it!!