Tuesday, February 21, 2006


I recently gave a talk at a local spiritualist church regarding Spiritual Prosperity. Although I have written a book titled Spiritual Principles of Wealth and have given many workshops around this title, I had not spoken on the subject for a few years. While preparing my talk and rereading my own book I realized that one aspect of spiritual prosperity which I had almost forgotten was FORGIVENESS. Partly this was because I automatically work on that aspect now and had become a part of me. Bringing it back into my consciousness though, was a good exercise as I was able to recheck if I was holding onto any resentments and or guilt about anything. Also I was able to carry through the information into my newly formed Wealth Group. When you have resentments and anger at another or oneself, you have blocks in your vibration system. Therefore FOREGIVENESS is the key to remove them. My suggestion is if as you look at your life and feel you need to be having more of anything in your life - money, love, excitement etc, then look at what you need to be FORGIVING. It's almost guaranteed if you let go, FORGIVE, then abundance will come on in.
I personally believe it is very important to FORGIVE self. Therefore, ensure you are forgiving yourself as well. I personally have found if I forgive my part in whatever, then it is easy to FORGIVE anyone or anything else.
If you have trouble FORGIVING, then you may want to utilize my Tape - Energy Release - which helps deload and bring you into alignment and connection.
Norma Cowie