Sunday, December 07, 2008

Movie watching

Thought I would post something before I go off to speak at the Celebration Centre here in Penticton. The title is "Transitions - They Happen". Don't they though! Who knows exactly what I will say, but my mind is brimming with concepts and ideas. I trust I will make sense at the end of the day. Oh just realized I have not eat breakfast yet. Not good as I'm leaving very soon.
Anyway, wanted to say that in the last week I have watched several movies. Australia - totally enjoyed it. Did not notice how long it was, the historical aspect was important not to mention the acting of Nicole Kidman and Hugh Jackman. A must to see, if only to see some of the Australian outback look. Last night I went to see Angelia Jolie in Changling. She is a phenomenal actress and although the movie had a twist in it I was not expecting, it was well presented as Clint Eastwood direction usually is. A movie which certainly leaves you with something to think about.
Then on TV watched a The Right Stuff, the movie made about the original seven astronuts. It was a good movie (I thought) when it first came out and I enjoyed it again, especially as so many years have passed since the original seven were brought forth and changed the face of space travel (and the media promotion awareness of it). Which brings me to the time I must go as I realize some food needs to go into my stomach. I do love movies though and the opportunity of seeing well acted, with good subjects are always a treat.
Have a great day - be at peace with yourself so the world can discover it.

Norma Cowie
250 490 0654

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