Thursday, March 26, 2009

chaos with my internet radio program

I am presently in Edmonton Alberta to attend the Body Soul & Spirit Expo where I will be doing readings. Yesterday was Wednesday and at 4pm pacific time I have my Internet Radio Program - The Tarot World with Norma Cowie. Knowing I was going to be here, I arranged to have my laptop organized. I downloaded the programs I would need and visited my techie Rob while in Vancouer to ensure all was well. After all this was going to be my 4th show and I was excited and looking forward to doing it - Emperor, Experience, Procrastination. Good topics.
So a good hour before I have to be on (the first mistake -- should have been 3 hours I go and get everything organized. Could not get my computer online. Phone Rob - thank goodness he is home - he talks me through and we get on line. Then I find I have not done something I needed to do .... dammn .... he talks me through that.
Time is ticking away, I have to get one line to be able to do this .... panic inside!!!
Then I'm ready to hit the button (which I think will work) to put me online to talk and put out my thoughts out there. Won't work! Now there is total panic......what to do. I check everything, it should work, why isn't it???? 5 minutes pass, I'm late, my stomach is in a knot I want to be sick, I want to disappear but no doing, more minutes pass, still can't figure it out. So I have to just stop becaue its not going to happen today. No show, no sharing, no questions answered.
I finally shut it down (stop trying) and email the two people who most need to know.
Acceptance .... thats all I could do. I tried my best, I did everything I could, and perhaps it was not good enough, as I did not end up on air, but boy I had done everything I thought I needed to do.
Now will wait next till next Wednesday 4pm pacific, when I'm back in my own office, with the equipment I know will work. Thank goodness for the next couple of months I will not be away on a Wednesday again until mid May, and perhaps in that time I can figure what went wrong.
I still get upset when I think about it, but life goes on, and today is another day. Here the sun is shining even though it is cold. Clothes shopping awaits! Next Wednesday is six days away.
You have a great day no matter what happens.
Norma Cowie
250 490 0654
The Tarot World with Norma Cowie every Wed. 4pm pacific time

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