Friday, April 23, 2010

$2.88 saves the day!

On Wednesday I had to go to Kelowna to visit my chiropractor Dr. Barbara James, who I enjoyed visiting. She has a different approach, which I enjoy no easy, gentle and gets results. Anyway, after just getting back Monday from Calgary, having friend Eleanor arrive for a couple of days before she went out to Naramata to help with the Spring Festival of Awareness on Wednesday afternoon. The Spring Festival of Awareness begins this Friday night and is going for the weekend (I'm doing two workshops there). Tuesday seemed to disappear with just getting reorganized from my trip.
Wednesday, another friend Marion phones to say her allergies are really bad, can she drop by and have me do my 'magic' Yuen method on her. Sure says me, 1/2 hour after she arrives she says her eyes feel a lot better and she is off. She is a major player in organizing the Spring Festival of Awareness (with producer/owner/organizer in chief Angele of Issues Magazine). I will find out how she is doing when I see her at the Festival.
Then I had a client for 1 hour and by that time I was running late to head off to Kelowna for my appointment. Now I had a busy day planned while up there. I was going to go to Costco and have my hair cut and check out a dress shop who were having a sale.
I had last filled my car up with gas as I left Calgary, I had driven home and as I headed into Kelowna knew the first thing I needed to do after my visit with Dr. Barbara James was fill my car up with gas.
As I drove up to the gas pump, I reached into my bag for my wallet when low and behold I discovered NO WALLET - I HAD LEFT IT AT HOME!! I had ordered a cleansing product for me (supposed to also help lose weight - more about this as time goes by) and the wallet was sitting on my office desk beside my computer. Big help!
But oh my gosh, what to do. I look down at the little part between the two front seats in the car, where I usually have change - often quite a bit - but this time as I pulled it all into my hand I only had $2.88.
I went inside and paid for $2.88 worth of gas. For those not in B.C. we are a prepaid province. You have to pay before you can get your gas. Thank goodness, because otherwise I would have filled up, gone to pay and find I did not have it. (I wonder what they do in these cases).
Anyway, put the $2.88 worth of gas into the gas tank and drive home. Luckily I have a gas tank which will go quite a while while appearing empty. I do believe the $2.88 made the difference. I was able to drive home and then later after collecting my wallet go out and fill the gas tank up, plus put the car through the car wash - which was very badly needed.
Now I have put some money in my car, so if it ever happens again I will not be caught without gas money. This time I was lucky, I was only one hour away from home, but what if I was further afield. Make sure you have something hidden somewhere in your car or vehicle so it does not happen to you.
Perhaps the best way is the old comment "DON'T LEAVE HOME WITHOUT IT!" and that means your wallet.
You have a great day!
Norma Cowie250 490 0654

1 comment:

Cybersource77 said...

That is sooo funny Norma - glad the $2.88 was enough. Have a great weekend!
Namaste from Sharyn